Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tech article 5/16/14

Robot arm can catch flying objects

With its four-fingered, three-jointed hand, a new robot can catch a ball, a bottle or a tennis racket thrown in its direction in less than five-hundredths of a second. Fast-reacting robotic limbs have many potential applications. They could be used on satellites to clean up some of the space objects in orbit, or on cars to reach out and break an impact. It can be used to perform various tasks. The robots will be able to either catch or dodge objects in full motion. Click here to learn more

Social bookmarking

  1. 1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers
  2. Another way you can organize and store information on your computers is by bookimarking your websites andadding tags so you can find your information easily.  
  3. 2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? 
  4. I have learned that Russia military was lining up along Ukriane's border and Putin says that if they do anything there will be consequences.
  5. 3. What do you know now about  those current events that you didn’t know before? I did not know that the U.S filed a sanction against Russia ton stay away from the Ukraine.
  6. 4. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites? Other social bookmarking apps/websites are Only2Clicks, oSkope, and Sitemark.
  7. 5. Will you continue to use social bookmarking? I will continue using social bookmarking because it is very useful and keeps you organized. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Chem Collective - Resources to Teach and Learn Chemistry

The Web 2.0 tool I chose was Chem Collective. I would use this tool in chemistry for Ms. Sistarenik's class. I would specfically use it for virtual labs, simulations, visualizations, tutorials, and auto-graded problems. It will help me learn the content and lessons that I am learning because you can revieew the information in interactive labs, tests, online courses, and you can even watch tutorials. This app is an alternative for textbooks, homework, and reviews. Click here to try it out!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tech article 5/9/14

IPhone bug leaves emails vulnerable

Apple said it encodes email attachments you receive on your iPhone or iPad, but reasearchers have discovered that it doesn't. German security expert Andreas Kurtz discovered that anyone in possession of your Apple device might be able to access the files sent to you via email, even if your phone is locked. It's a major security flaw. When you lock your phone, the email attachments in your phone are supposed to be locked as well. However, even if hackers manage to grab your phone, hook it up to a computer and bypass the passcode that locks your entire device, they still aren't supposed to be able to read the files. Email attachment files are a jumbled mess of letters and numbers unless you unlock the whole phone. 

Click here to learn more!

Do Now 5/7/14

Social media advice for career-minded students. 10 things to consider reflection:

  • After reading this article I realized how important it is to give yourself a good reputation. When strangers look at your profile, the content is what defines you. You don't want people's perception of you to be negative.
  • We need to be careful with what we put on our profile's because anyone can read it. 
  • I agree that profanity needs to stop and this generation should not be retweeting or posting pictures of it.
  • Lastly, we do live in a society where looking at and taking pictures of yourself is very common. It is okay to take a picture of yourself, everyone as done it. However, our generation has been so caught up in what everyone else thinks of you, and it should not be that way.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

RSS feed questions

  1. 1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to? I selected the websites that I subscribed to because  I thought were interesting to read about. 

  1. 2. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them? It was easy for some, however, others were difficult because you did not know whether it had an RSS feed or not. 

  2. 3. Which sites were your favorites? My favorite sites were the ones in my personal folder such as USATF and

  3. 4. What else can you use RSS feeds for? You can use RSS feeds to read new posts, subscribe to websites, to see if someone important updates, save time from searching up various websites, and much more. 

  4. 5. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future? I am very likely to use RSS feeds in the future because they are very helpful and bring my favorite websites to my feed.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tech article 5/2/14

Netflix to speed up for Verizon customers

Netflix has been looking to work with an internet provider to improve streaming speeds for customers. Over the next coming months Netflix will improve their performance with Verizon. Netflix will pay Verizon for a direct connection to its network. They also made a deal with Comcast to stop the disputes of many Netflix users. However, not al of the details have been confirmed. Click here for more information!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tech article 4/25/14

Lytro refocuses with a new $1,600 camera
The Silicon Valley startup made its first Lytro camera, which lets users refocus an image after shooting it. Now Lytro is back with a new, $1,600 Illum. Inside it uses a higher-grade version of its light-field technology to snap "living pictures"  photographs in which you can change the focus on different subjects in the frame long after you've shot them.You can tinker with the image later on a computer or mobile device, bringing one subject or an entire scene into focus with a tap or a click. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Multimedia blog 4/21

The restaurant I chose was Bensi. It is located in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Bensi is on Route 17. They serve various Italian food such as pasta with bread, chicken, and salads. It also sells mozarella sticks, shrimp and seafood, mushrooms, sausages, meatballs, soup, and a lot more. My favorite dish is the Penne alla vodka with grilled chicken. 

Bensi was started in Calabria, Italy in the family kitchens of its founders John Osso and Mario Bernardo. In 1983 they opened a small pizzeria in Tenafly, New Jersey, and it became very popular. Their slogan, "Always Fresh, All Ways Italian," has been spead all throughout New Jersey and even Pennsylvania. They opened twenty-four Bensi's as of today. Every head chef and general manager co-own each restaurant. 

This is my favorite restaurant because my family and I always go there and I really enjoy there food. If Bensi closed down I would try to find another good Italian restaurant. I would try Maggiano's, and other various pizza restaurants so that I could still eat Italian food. Some additional information is that Bensi's hours are from 11am.- 11 pm. 


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tech article 4/11/14

Charge your cell phone in 30 seconds

StoreDot, the company behind the video, says the technology was born out of Alzheimer's research at Tel Aviv University. During that research, specific amino acids were isolated and the researchers managed to use those amino acids and peptides to create nanocrystals. They have special properties that enable people to use them in various devices, such as a battery. The company is looking to make a prototype in a year or two. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tech article 4/4/14

Giant six-legged robot crab walks the ocean floor

The Crabster CR200 have been released into the oceans. It weighs over half a ton, the six-legged, crustacean-inspired robot is intended for the most dangerous undersea exploration. It was developed by the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology. The new machine copied the design of crabs and lobsters that live in stormy waters but are still able to control their movements.The Crabster is 2.4m long, 2.4m wide and 1.3m tall, rising to 1.8m when it stands up. Its six legs contain 30 motors, giving the remote pilot ample control and dexterity.  Using sonar, it scans the landscape for objects of interest, and can relay images through onboard cameras. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wiki research

  1. How can a wiki be used in your current classes? Wiki's can be used in your current classes because you use the website to find a lot of information in your history classes. My history class always writes down notes although, I think that obtaining online notes would be beneficial as well.
  2. What are the benefits of using a wiki? The benefits of using wikis are that you can create presentations, studyguides, collaborate with your peers, find useful information, find new websites, and much more.
  3. How can we create one in this class and utilize it? You can create one in this class by signing up, opening a page, editing, and collaborationg with your peers. You can use it for the other classmates who missed the notes, or let others see what information you have obtained. 
  4. What experience do you have using or creating wikis? The experience I have with wikis are making notes, talking to my classmates, and creating class discussions. 

Monday, March 31, 2014


Wikis are websites that allows anyone to add, delete, or go over content by using a web browser. The wikis that I have used are wiki dot and wikipedia. Wikis can be used for education becauise you can interact with others, getting everyone's point of view. Wiki also has a wide variety of information that everyone can learn from. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tech article 3/28/14

Google Glass getting a stylish makeover

google glass ray bansGoogle announced late Monday that it is joining forces with eyewear giant Luxottica to design, develop and distribute a new generation of Google Glasses. The gadget places a notification screen above your eye.By appearing more stylish, Google is hoping Glass may gain a broader market appeal before it releases the product to the public toward the end of 2014. Luxottica and Google will establish a team of experts devoted to working on new Glass products "that straddle the line between high-fashion, lifestyle and innovative technology," the eyewear company says. Click here to learn more!

Monday, March 17, 2014


What would I do if I were invisible? If I were invisible I would like try to help the world around me. As much as I could cause havoic I can also help innocent people. I would like to play pranks on people like moving things and turning things on. I would try to scare my friends and family. I would then go to the Statue of Liberty and look out on the water and just enjoy the scenery.
I would also go around my county stopping the bullies picking on the other children. If you have a power you should use it for good purposes. I would make sure that any child that was being mistreated would have a good day. Although that doesn't seem like what extraveagent super heroes do, for me, I'd be doing something great. If that ever happened to me I would be so thankful if someone came to save me. That is what I would do if I had the power of invisibility.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tech article 3/14/14

Yik Yak chat app stirring up trouble in high schools

It's called Yik Yak, a brand new app that creates an anonymous social chat room where up to 500 users can connect through GPS tracking on their phones. Its co-founder Brooks Buffington said users are limited to 200 characters, and no pictures are allowed. The app was made for college-age users , for college campuses and to act as a virtual bulletin board. Although the app is meant for users age 17 and older, younger users can still sign up. Others have made anonymous bomb threats that have led to school lockdowns. This app is creating alot of cyberbullying. 
Click here for more info

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tech article 3/7/14

Can Apple help make hearing aids cool?

The new LiNX hearing aids from ReSound are specially designed to work with Apple mobile devices. Hearing-aid manufacturers and audiologists are collaborating with Apple so they can help Danish hearing-aid company GN ReSound.The hearing aid is compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and it's called LiNX. The LiNX are bluetooth headphones that can make phone calls, FaceTime, listen to music, movies, and do turn-by-turn navigation. The hearing aids work like normal, picking up in-person conversations and surrounding sounds. A feature called Live Listen turns an iOS device into microphone. If someone's in a loud environment and wants to focus on one person's voice and cut down on background noise, they can get a stream directly from the smartphone's mic to their ears. It is also $3,000. Click here to learn more!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tech article February 28, 2014

Moov Fitness Tracker Aims to be Your Virtual Fitness Coach

Unlike the regular fitness trackers that count your steps and time you, this tracker can do much more. It serves as your virtual personal trainer! It analyzes your form and gives you real-life tips on how to improve your workouts. It pairs with The Moov app on your device and gives you instant feedback. It can tell you to shorten your stride or land softer. Click here to learn more.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tech article 2/24/14

Supernova secrets seen in X-rays

Cassiopeia A is a star more than eight times the mass of our sun, before it
exploded in the cataclysmic.The NuSTAR space telescope array is the first ever to map the radioactive material from a supernova explosion. The NuSTAR's observations of Cassiopeia A showed scientists the location and distribution of radioactive titanium. Each atom of titanium-44 decays to calcium, as well as two particles of light at particular frequencies that NuSTAR can detect. NuSTAR, stands for Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array. It was launched in June 2012 and consists of two telescopes that focus high energy X-ray light.
Click here for more!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tech article 2/14/14

Curiosity rover takes snapshot of Earth  from 100 million miles away on Mars

After Eight and a half months and 352 million miles away the 1 ton SUV sized vehicle, The Curiosity rover, landed on Mars, It has 17 cameras and was a $2.6 billion project, which was to begin transmitting images back to Earth. Although none of those pictures actually showed Earth itself.The rover was trying to remove effects of cosmic rays with its left eye camera during a sunset. This picture shows  Earth as well as our moon. This advancement can help us discover many new things that are yet to discover! Click Here to learn more.

Web 2.0 Mutimedia Blog post

World History (Ms.Garvin)
My world history teacher is Ms.Garvin and she attended Purdue University. When I first started this class I expected to learn learn about geography, the continents, ancient art, customs, religions, and inventions. I expected to learn about ancent Europe and Asia and what it took to make them the continents they are today. As of the third marking period we have learned about enlightenments, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, the French revolution, and various wars.

Ms.Garvin's teaching policy is rather similar to all of my other teachers. She puts testes and quizzes in as 45% of our grade.Then she puts projects in as 45% of our grade as well. Lastly, our homework and classwork goes in as 10% of my grade.Some interseting aspects of the class are all of the ancient history we learn and we are going to the Metropolitan Mueseum on Thursday! We also learn how the ideas back then influence us now.

We also use a couple of online resources to study together as a class. Technology is used in class because we go to the lab a lot for online projects. We use websites such as Piazza, wiki, sweet search, and voice threads. I like that we are given the option of technology as well as written research to study. This is an interesting class, and I know that I am learning a lot.