Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tech article February 28, 2014

Moov Fitness Tracker Aims to be Your Virtual Fitness Coach

Unlike the regular fitness trackers that count your steps and time you, this tracker can do much more. It serves as your virtual personal trainer! It analyzes your form and gives you real-life tips on how to improve your workouts. It pairs with The Moov app on your device and gives you instant feedback. It can tell you to shorten your stride or land softer. Click here to learn more.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tech article 2/24/14

Supernova secrets seen in X-rays

Cassiopeia A is a star more than eight times the mass of our sun, before it
exploded in the cataclysmic.The NuSTAR space telescope array is the first ever to map the radioactive material from a supernova explosion. The NuSTAR's observations of Cassiopeia A showed scientists the location and distribution of radioactive titanium. Each atom of titanium-44 decays to calcium, as well as two particles of light at particular frequencies that NuSTAR can detect. NuSTAR, stands for Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array. It was launched in June 2012 and consists of two telescopes that focus high energy X-ray light.
Click here for more!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tech article 2/14/14

Curiosity rover takes snapshot of Earth  from 100 million miles away on Mars

After Eight and a half months and 352 million miles away the 1 ton SUV sized vehicle, The Curiosity rover, landed on Mars, It has 17 cameras and was a $2.6 billion project, which was to begin transmitting images back to Earth. Although none of those pictures actually showed Earth itself.The rover was trying to remove effects of cosmic rays with its left eye camera during a sunset. This picture shows  Earth as well as our moon. This advancement can help us discover many new things that are yet to discover! Click Here to learn more.

Web 2.0 Mutimedia Blog post

World History (Ms.Garvin)
My world history teacher is Ms.Garvin and she attended Purdue University. When I first started this class I expected to learn learn about geography, the continents, ancient art, customs, religions, and inventions. I expected to learn about ancent Europe and Asia and what it took to make them the continents they are today. As of the third marking period we have learned about enlightenments, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, the French revolution, and various wars.

Ms.Garvin's teaching policy is rather similar to all of my other teachers. She puts testes and quizzes in as 45% of our grade.Then she puts projects in as 45% of our grade as well. Lastly, our homework and classwork goes in as 10% of my grade.Some interseting aspects of the class are all of the ancient history we learn and we are going to the Metropolitan Mueseum on Thursday! We also learn how the ideas back then influence us now.

We also use a couple of online resources to study together as a class. Technology is used in class because we go to the lab a lot for online projects. We use websites such as Piazza, wiki, sweet search, and voice threads. I like that we are given the option of technology as well as written research to study. This is an interesting class, and I know that I am learning a lot.