Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tech article 2/7/14

<strong>New tech that senses how you're feeling inside:</strong> is it the key to self-knowledge and the future of communication? Or just the return of the phony "mood ring"? Check out our gallery of the top mood-sensing technology in development.
Feeling glum, happy, aroused? New technology can detect your mood
For the drivers' who have stress, the vehicle's coordinated sensors could soften the light and music, or broaden the headlight beams to help for the loss of vision. A distressed state could be broadcast as a warning to other motorists by changing the color of the vehicle's paint. AutoEmotive, a research project from the Affective Computing group at MIT's media lab, are focusing on exploring the potential of emotional connections with humans' and their machines.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very cool new technological product! I never knew that technology could be this intricate. It is unbelievable to think that this could be invented. I cannot wait to research more about this because I am very intrigued by it. I really enjoy this post and I can't wait to check out your blog again soon!
